This project is maintained by iankurgarg
CSC 519: DevOps Fall 2017 HW 4
In this homework, 3 express servers are used.
First implements /apicontrol and /apiexperiment routes. Runs on port 5000.
/apicontrol uses a “up” /ratings service and is always sucessful and returns 200.
Second implements /gateway, /api, routes. Runs on port 3000.
/gateway redirects to /api with 80% probability
/gateway redirects to /apicontrol with 10% probability
/gateway redirects to /apiexperiment with 10% probability
for /apiexperiemt -> Two scenarios were tested.
It returns 500 code with a prob of 0.5. - simulating the experiment group which is interfacing with a down /ratings service and Handling it gracefully.
and for remaining 0.5 probability it returns with a different error code (400) representing not being to handle ratings down gracefully.
/api and /apicontrol both are interfacing with a “up” /ratings service.
The third express server implements /ratings service. Runs on port 4000.
it has two routes. /ratings and /ratings1
/ratings always returns with 200 success code
/ratings1 always returns with 500 error code