
This project is maintained by iankurgarg

Setting up Mini-VCL

The ansible script config/setup_server.yml sets up a new headless Ubuntu 16.04 machine. It required an inventory file with a variable “nodes” and username and password for that machine. A sample inventory file has been added in config/ folder. Please replace variables with the ip address, username and password of the machine where this mini-VCL is to be setup

Provisioning new VM

To Provision a new VM using ansible - the script config/provision.yml is used. It uses vagrant to set up a new ubuntu/trusty32 machine inside the mini-VCL server. It creates a new unique folder and then copies a Vagrantfile into it and then runs vagrant up.

Or it can be provisioned through phpVirtualBox: Provisioning new VM using phpVirtualBox


Some templates required for setting up virtualbox and phpvirtualbox are present in templates/ folder A template vagrant file is also present which is used to provision a new VM using vagrant.


Mini-VCL Setup and Provisioning new VM Screencast